Two years ago, a terrible tragedy took the lives of a group of archeology students, leaving Erin Hauser as the sole survivor. A month ago, people began going missing near the very same tomb where the incident occurred. Unable to move on from the loss of her best friend, Erin returns to the site of her ultimate failure to discover why missing persons reports are piling up in the region - and do whatever she can to resolve the issue, so that her friend can rest in peace.

This Tomb of Ours is a short, story-heavy RPG with some puzzle elements and a lot of dark places to explore. Expected playtime is presently about an hour, with about 2/3rds of the planned content currently implemented as of the game's submission to the 20th RPG Maker Horror Jam.


  • GrandPiekron — Story, Writing, Eventing
  • Wisteria Sakana — Sprites, Art


OurTomb Windows 200 MB
Guide and Credits.pdf 95 kB
OurTomb 0.5.5 (OLD).zip 105 MB

Development log


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I can't for the life of me figure out the cavern maze even with the guide 😅. Would it be possible to see and entire map of the maze in the guide with the path?

I have the same problem,  I dont know how to do it

So I started playing, seems really interesting so far...and then I got stuck, lol. I got into the storage room but there's no dialogue when touching the crystal, it just tries to get me to use an item I don't have

(1 edit)

Okay, I pushed an update that should (hopefully) make the part that I think you're stuck on a bit clearer (among other fixes). Also, since multiple people seem to be getting stuck/lost, I added a separate guide pdf available for download (there was already a puzzle solutions file in the downloadable version, but this will hopefully help people playing the browser version who don't want to download the whole game).

Was sooo looking forward to playing this, especially once I saw it. And then I get lost pretty much immediately...

Oh well, it looks gorgeous anyway!